Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I Can't Be Serious....Can I?!?

So...there come points in life when you do stupid things. It might be, at four years old, shifting granddad's tractor into neutral when it's sitting on top of a hill. Or running through the front screen door window at seven. Maybe it's deciding that sunscreen is optional on a four-hour snorkeling excursion in the Dominican Republic.

Or it could be really stupid - like deciding you are a no-good, lazy bum and it's time to get off your fat butt and become a triathlete. Yep, that's right, I said it out loud. "The Woo is going to train to be a triathlete."

Stop laughing.  Okay, laugh a little, but I'm serious.

Great pic of one of my friends back home after reading this.


I'm not kidding.  Promise.

Some of you know that's I've found my fitness a bit again in the last 6 months. I'm running (without being chased) for the first time in over 11 years. Eleven Years. I swore I'd never run for any reason ever again after high school cross country. It just seemed so silly. And hard.

Then I was stupid enough to get on the scale at Hilary's boss's house where she was kind enough to invite us over for Thanksgiving. Granted, I was wearing jeans, a shirt, and shoes, but it was before dinner. And the readout was clear - though I swore it must be broken:

252.0 lbs

Yep. I'd broken the quarter century mark. Two-and-a-half bills. Two-fitty. An eighth of a ton. It was time for a change...of course, not until after Thanksgiving dinner.

I started officiating basketball right after Thanksgiving, and lost a few pounds, but then after Christmas got serious. This is what's happened since then:

So, as of today, I'm down to 206.6. Down 45 1/2 lbs since Thanksgiving and 38 lbs. since I started tracking on December 28. My goal is to get a 1 in that first number, but weight has become secondary to *gasp* fitness.

So anyway, that gets us to where we are today. I have built a base level of fitness, and now it's time to do something with it - so triathlon training it is. Hopefully this blog proves entertaining for you - and helps hold me accountable - as we see what's to come!

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