Sunday, July 6, 2008

Is that Ammonia?

After my last three long workouts - 7.5 mile run Monday, 7.5 mile run Thursday, and 35 mile bike ride Saturday - when I got home it smelled like Hilary had been cleaning with some sort of super-duper cleaner.  She hadn't, though.

Turns out it was me!  I actually smelled like ammonia.  Not enough that anyone else could smell it, but the smell was definitely present in my nose.

The reason is actually pretty simple.  When the body runs out of its glucose stores - which come from carbs - it begins to break down amino acids.  In order to convert the amino acid to glucose for energy, the body strips the nitrogen atoms and uses the remaining molecule.  Then, the nitrogen atoms are excreted - usually through urine - but when there is too much nitrogen for the kidneys to process, it is secreted as ammonia through sweat.


It's not a terrible thing at all, but it is an indication I need to do a better job fueling my body with good carbs, especially in the days leading up to long workouts.  That, and better hydration, will keep the stink away!

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