Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Two good workouts this week

Long run on Monday - 7.5 miles.  I'm pretty sure that's the longest I've ever run at one time.  In my life.

It was good and solid, but not spectacular.  Right at 10:00 pace, which was my goal.  The long runs are to be done at a very easy, conversational pace, and for me that's 10:00.  I think I could actually have survived the run at 9:00, but it would have left me totally wiped out.

Last night Hilary and I cranked out 800m in the pool, a nice 45 minute recovery bike ride, and then a 10-minute, 1 mile run-off afterwards.  It wasn't really our plan going out to do all three - we were going to just do the swim and a nice easy bike - but we decided the run-off at the end would be a nice way to get all three elements in and see how we felt.  And the verdict was - surprisingly good!

Today is an off day according to my plan, but I'm headed to Atlanta for a college basketball camp next Sunday through Wednesday, so I may move some things around to get in my needed work.

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